The genealogists in Jämtlands län (the county of Jamtland) were among the first in Sweden to organize locally. In 1945 the Genealogical Society was founded.
OurWeb-site (swedish text version) has been on the net since december 1997. It has been highly appreciated by genealogists (both in Sweden and Norway) with an interest in the provinces Jamtland and Herjedalen. The newly opened page with research inquiries will probabely make the site still more attractive. We will now make it possible for genealogists all over the world to make contacts with their likes in our provinces.
Ifyou have research queries related to the county of Jamtland (incl. Herjedalen), the members of our Society might help you. Send us an e-mail with your question, but please, write shortly. (If necessary, we will shorten the text.)
If you are looking for living relatives in Jamtland/Herjedalen, we recommend that you contact the provinsial archives: Landsarkivet in Östersund. They have all the parish records up to 1991, and can easily trace the families. They charge per 30 minutes research. The site of Landsarkivet is mostly in swedish, though.
If you have queries related to the rest of Sweden, we recommend that you take a look at Swedish Roots – a ”daily” e-zine, published by the Swedish Frederation of Genealogical Societies. They have useful information on genealogical research in Sweden.